Sunday, April 5, 2009


All the doomsday talk... all the recession, fear, chaos, world is ending, talk... arrrrgggghhhh...
I choose...
to see and say "these are
big changing, re-balancing times"
and every day every moment we can choose to find the light or focus on all the tragedy and trauma

I choose the light
The humanKINDness moments that unfold with sharing joy
with doing the best that I can with each moment and the bit of knowledge I have.
To keep learning more so my choices are always for the equal betterment of the planet and myself

I look forward to a day where Governments & corporations globally are transparent
not because they're forced to, but because they are proud of how ethical their books look
and how conscious and caring they are...
not just how great heir profits are...

Till then,
I choose to be the nikki I am...
the little me, doing my best to share a little love, a little light and hopefully alot of joy
whenever I take the time to be a giving, growing and sharing being - I feel inspired and forfilled and I feel connected to my Devine purpose

So here's to the moment and here's to the planet and all the change
here's to living in one of the most informative times this planet has ever known and here's to choosing wisely

With pensive smiles
Good night


  1. Great Blog Nikki... So good to see someone doing generous work to help kids .
    you have a wonderful warm spirit and I wish you the best


  2. She was in charge when we were in Cape Town for a shoot full of kids. I haven't seen a human being, caring so much for children, even in a set. Respect :)
