Monday, March 15, 2010

lesson1 on EVOKE

This is an interesting journey and although my schedule is super busy between acting, voice work and joy activism - I'm committed to catching UP and playing the evoke game...

Today I'll blog about my choice of social innovation tools

Listen to the right people. Okay, so you probably don’t know what it’s like to carry fifty pounds of firewood on your head. Well, don’t pretend that you do. Talk to someone who has done it. I believe that the key to innovation in international development is truly understanding the problem, and using your imagination is not good enough.


I will often lift folk less fortunate and I check in with them on their lives and current issues
That was just intuitive - I'm pleased to see it was one of the tools...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sharing JOY ...

Presence and JOY are walking hand in hand in my life and together their balance is a rewarding and inspiring process.

In the present, I see the continuous gifts to connect with humanity and the collective journey we all seem to have - to share... Whether this sharing is verbal rumblings of frustration or pleasure, or perhaps just the sharing of a smile or even an agreed response to a shared experience - unconsciously or consciously - it seems we're moving through life SHARING

This said, I've found when I step out of my head, enough to be present, the opportunities present themselves to be able to share UPlifting moments - the smiles, the greetings, the teases, these playful inspiring moments are enough to fuel me through the day and I'm certain this is where our humanity meets our humanKINDness...

Life! Beautiful inspiring life!
With all it's challenges, it has so many wonderful moments to connect and share!
Hmmmmm :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Gift of JOY

Inspired by my dear friend Marcel Oudejans, who not only WOW's the world with his genius Illusions and his natural gift with Marketing, but he has truely been a magical blessing in my life and the work of my charity the UPliftment Programme. Thanks to Marcel's guidance the UP and I can grow our mutual intentions - "Sharing the healing power of JOY"...


JOY is just this perfectly tangible emotion that simultaneously gives and receives at the same time - like a HUG. I've been able to experience this with Care Clowning and Corporate Laughter facilitation, but I am right now so excited about JOY WEEK - a time for the community and I know once again with JOY as the focus, there is going to be a wonderfully, inspired exchange with all who come to share - yay yay yay.

If you need details for JOY WEEK go to

I think right now - I'm experiancing what so many doctors have researched "even the expectiation of joy, releases endorphins and serotonin (the happy chemicals of the brain)"

So here's to a successful JOY WEEK and my special thanks to my dear friend Marcel. And then further thanks to the UP's new manager Nick De Villiers, Soundworks for the Microphones, Carel from Paul Bothna for the PA System and all the venues for the spaces their sharing and all the public who're intending to come and share the wonderfully healing exchange of JOY...
Here's to all the press who've taken to the idea and given the UP so much exposure and here's to Big Dad for the Devine hand so constant in my life - a great JOY... :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

JOY sessions coming to Cape Town


Exciting times...

all the preparations for JOY WEEK are coming together nicely and a little rejoicing "yipee" is in my heart...

27th Muizenburg 18h30-19h30
28th TBC Gugulethu 18h30-19h30
29th Hout bay - Kronendal 18h30-19h30
30th MTN Science Centre 18h30-19h30

So all's just once again beautifully, divinely guided and I feel so blessed to be part of the growing JOY in our precious Africa.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hildegard of Bingen

"I am the rain coming from the dew
that causes the grasses to laugh with the joy of life.
I call forth tears, the aroma of holy work.
I am the yearning for good.”

(Hildegard of Bingen 1098-1179)

Sunday, April 5, 2009


All the doomsday talk... all the recession, fear, chaos, world is ending, talk... arrrrgggghhhh...
I choose...
to see and say "these are
big changing, re-balancing times"
and every day every moment we can choose to find the light or focus on all the tragedy and trauma

I choose the light
The humanKINDness moments that unfold with sharing joy
with doing the best that I can with each moment and the bit of knowledge I have.
To keep learning more so my choices are always for the equal betterment of the planet and myself

I look forward to a day where Governments & corporations globally are transparent
not because they're forced to, but because they are proud of how ethical their books look
and how conscious and caring they are...
not just how great heir profits are...

Till then,
I choose to be the nikki I am...
the little me, doing my best to share a little love, a little light and hopefully alot of joy
whenever I take the time to be a giving, growing and sharing being - I feel inspired and forfilled and I feel connected to my Devine purpose

So here's to the moment and here's to the planet and all the change
here's to living in one of the most informative times this planet has ever known and here's to choosing wisely

With pensive smiles
Good night